Ary Prihardhyanto Keim, Himmah Rustiami
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The diversity of the pandan flora from the Lore Lindu National Park has never been reported. Recent floristic study recognised 6 species belonging to Pandanaceae occur in the area. Freycinetia minahassae, F.celebica and Pandanus sarasinorum are the common species found in Sulawesi. Freycinetia oblanceolata and F. polystachya are new records.Freycinetia celebica is rediscovered. The endemic states of F.minahassae and P.sarasinorum are toppled. The extended distribution area of P. gladiator is recorded.


Freycinetia, Pandanaceae, Pandanus, Taman Nasional (TN) Lore Lindu, Sulawesi.

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WWF Project 1526. Universitas Hasanuddin, Ujung Padang


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