Oom Komala, Novi Fajar Utami, Siti Mariyam Rosdiana
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Energy, material, and or other components were entered to the air by activities of human could cause air quality down to a specific level that could affect human health. The bacteria in the human oral cavity such as Staphylococcus sp. were found in the air during common activities such as coughing, sneezing, and speaking. The research aimed to assess the influence of the combination of oils essential of Rosa damacena and leather oil of Citrus amblycarpa against a decline in the total of microbes on air-conditioned rooms. The method of the research  was used the evaporation of aromatherapy and plate count method. The results were showed that P3 with the concentration of oils essential of R. damacena 2% and leather oil of C. amblycarpa 5% most effective could decrease the total of microbes with an average of 72.5%. Organoleptic, relative density, refractive index, solubility in 90% ethanol, and acid number analysis of Rosa damacena and Citrus amblycarpa leather essential oils met the Indonesian National Standard requirements except for the acid number of leatherlime essential oil and the optical rotation of rose essential oil. It is concluded that the combination of oils essential R. damacena and leather oil of C. amblycarpa  could reduce the total of microbes on air-conditioned rooms.


Aromatherapy, Citrus amblycarpa leather oil, Rosa damacena

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