Jusmaldi Jusmaldi, Nova Hariani, Nikmahtulhaniah Ayu Wulandari
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Biology of bonylip barb (Osteochilus vittatus Valenciennes, 1842) in Benanga Reservoir, East Kalimantan is not yet known. The purpose of this study was to analyze distribution of the length and body weight of fishes, sex ratio, gonad maturity level, length-body weight relationship, and condition factor. In total 278 fishes samples were collected during the five months, from January to May 2019 with a purposive sampling method at Benanga Reservoir, and gill net with  mesh size 0.5; 1; and 1.5  inches used. The results of this research showed that the total length of the fishes analyzed ranged from 72.21–196.57 mm and body weight ranged from 5.12–89.21 g. The sex ratio of male and female were 1:2.02. The male and female fishes were dominated by mature gonad. The length-body weight relationship models calculated for the total fishes sample was W=1x10-5L2.967 (r=0.988) for males, W=5x10-6L3.199 (r=0.989) for females and W=7x10-6L3.126 (r=0.987) for both sexes. Isometric growth patterns (b=3) were observed in males, meanwhile positive allometric growth patterns (b>3) were observed in females and both sexes. Calculation of the condition factor (K) resulted in 1.181±0.117 for males, 0.949±0.094 for females, and 1.026±0.150 for all specimens. The condition factors of bonylip barb from the Benanga Reservoir inside the range recommended as suitable for freshwater fish species in the tropical regions.





Bonylip barb, Condition factors, Growth patterns

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