Siti Fatimah Hanum
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Plant have been cultivated for a long time, they have been selected and bred by our ancestors for their nutritional qualities, flavor, productivity, storage ability and other valued traits. Crop Wild Relative (CWR) are often neglected because they have not been used for domestication. However, world population growth together with the potentially adverse impact of climate change on agricultural production, calls for greater action to ensure global food security.  Indonesian Botanic Garden already ratified Convention on Biodiversity (CBD). One of the programs is the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC). The GSPC vision is to stop the plant diversity loss through five objectives and 16 targets for plant conservation to be achieved by 2020. The study was to identify the implementation of target 9 of GSPC by Indonesian Botanic Garden Network. The result showed that there are four reason Indonesian Botanic Garden has participated in target 9 of GSPC, We also provided success stories from other botanic garden to encourage Indonesian Botanic Garden to conserve more Indonesian Crop Wild Relatives (CWR) whilst facilitating their use in crop improvement.



Botanic garden, ex situ plant conservation, Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), living collection, seed bank, target 9

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