Krismono Krismono, MF Rahardjo, E Harris, ES Kartamihardja
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Water hyacinth {Eichhornia crassipes) in Lake Limboto was covering the area about 40 to 60% in 2008. It caused a lot of problems on water transportation, fishing activities, reducing water quantity and quality. To manage the number of water hyacinth population, biological control use omnivorous species and such as grasss carp (Ctenopharingodon idella) is a promosing alternative. In this study, effect of different stocking density of grass carp on the population of water hyacinth was observed. The result showed that 200 fish was the most effective compare to other stocking density and enabled to reducing the covering area up to 10 to 20%.


Ikan koan/grass carp, pengendalian lingkungan/ environmental control, eceng gondok/ water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes, Danau Limboto/ Lake Limboto.

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