Gleni Hasan Huwoyon, Ningrum Suhenda, Aditiya Nugraha
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Green catfish is a commodity that is not only potential to be cultivated in the pond and in the floating net cages, but also easy to adjust to the artificial feed. The objective of this research is to evaluate the effect of different feed types (sinking and floating)on the growth performance of green catfish(Hemibagrus nemurus.One thousand and six hundred fingerlings averaging 2.50 g of 3 individual body weight were stocked in each of earthern ponds (10 x 8 x 1.2 m ). They were fed daily for four months with the same protein content (31%) and lipid (6%) diets. The feed was given in pelleted form at 8-4% of the total body weight. The result of this study showed that no significant difference (P>0.05) between different feed types. The sinking feed gave specific growth rate (2.35%), feed conversion ratio (2.49), protein retention (18.92%) and protein efficiency ratio 1.13 while the floating type gave the values 2.49%, 2.37, 20.48% and 1.21, respectively. Lipid retention of sinking feed (34.84%) is lower than that of floating type(48.39%).The survival rates ranged between 76.56-84.54%.Feed type sinking with protein content of 31% can be used in the rearing of fish in earthern pond.


Ikan baung, Hemibagrus nemurus, grow out, feed type, earthen pound.

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