Sri Budi Sulianti
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Isolation of essential oils of two species of Ocimum (kemangi and ruku-ruku) were done by hydrodistilation. The chemical composition of those essential oils were analysed by GC-MS. Totaly 38 chemical components of kemangi essential oil were identified, and six of them are the major chemical constituents, ie. ethyl hexadecanoic acid (17.72 %), ethyl octadecanoic acid (14.83 %), ethyl 9-octadecenoic acid (10.62 %), methyl eugenol (4.88 %), Z-citral (7.02 %) and geranial (7.86 %), On the other hand, the essential oil of ruku-ruku contain 31 components with the main five major chemical components, i.e. ethyl hexadecanoic acid (19.33 %), ethyl octadecanoic acid (15.39 %), ethyl 9-octadecenoic acid (11.30 %), methyl eugenol (8.69%) and zerumbona (4.76 %).


Ocimum americanum, kemangi, Ocimum tenuiflorum, ruku-ruku, minyak atsiri, komponen kimia.

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