Perbandingan Penggunaan Konjugat Antibovine IgG-HRP dan Protein A/G-HRP Dengan Beberapa Larutan Pengencer Serum Pada ELISA Untuk Deteksi Surra pada Sapi dan Kerbau

Didik T. Subekti, Ichwan Yuniarto
| Abstract views: 473 | PDF views: 822



Surra was reported in various types of animals both livestock, pets and wildlife. ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent
assay) is a sensitive and specific diagnosis technique for Surra detection. The use of species
specific conjugate (anti bovine IgG-HRP) has limited while protein A/G can be used for a wide variety of animal
species. This study aimed to evaluate the initial application of the protein A/G-HRP compared with anti
bovine IgG-HRP using standard samples using four (4) types of diluent buffer. The standard serum samples (23
serum) consist of positive and negative sera from bovine (cattle and buffalo) were reacted with Surra antigen
on microplate. Positive and negative serum was diluted with different diluent buffer, namely PBS-Tween20
(PBST), RBA (RedBuff A), RBB (RedBuff B) and LC (Low Cross). Results of ELISA using protein A/G-HRP
showed absorbance values reduced 36.16% - 69.30% compared to the anti-bovine IgG-HRP. The percentage
reduction of PBST, RBA, RBB and LC, were 51.76%; 56.64%; 36.16% and 69.30% respectively. The use of
protein A/G-HRP and fourth diluent buffer can reduce antigen - antibody bonding with a weak affinity which
lowers the absorbance value of ELISA Surra.
Keywords : Protein A, Protein G, Surra, ELISA, Trypanosoma evansi

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