Pengaruh Dinamika Faktor Lingkungan Terhadap Sebaran Horisontal dan Vertikal Katak

Hellen Kurniati
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The Effect of Environmental Factors on the Horizontal and Vertical Movement of Frogs. Four
environmental factors (moon phase, air temperature, water temperature and air humidity) were
measured to determine the impact of environmental factors on the dynamics of horizontal and
vertical spread of the frog Rana erythraea, R. nicobariensis and Occidozyga lima in a wetland
area of Ecology Park, LIPI Campus Cibinong. Observation was done follows transect line
(100 meters long) and set along the edge of the lake where the habitat was more diverse
compared to the other sites. Observations were carried out from July to November 2009. The
position of individual frogs (distance from water’s edge and height from the ground or water)
was recorded and then grouped into intervals of 100 cm distance and height each. Correlation
analysis between the number of individuals per unit distance or height with environmental
factors was measured using the statistical program SPSS version 16.0. The results of this
study proved that the air and water temperature as well as air humidity have significant effect
on horizontal and vertical ecological distribution of R. erythraea and R. nicobariensis; whereas
four environmental factors had no impact on horizontal distribution of O. lima. The movement
of R. erythraea was strongly positively correlated with air temperature, but strongly negatively
correlated with air humidity; however the abundance of R. nicobariensis was strongly negatively
correlated with air temperature and strongly positively correlated with air humidity. Mixed
vegetation of species Leerxia hexandra and Eleocharis dulcis at a distance between 0-100 cm
from the edge of the water and height between 0-100 cm from the ground constituted the
preferred microhabitat of frog species R. erythraea and R. nicobariensis.
Key words: Environmental factors, Rana erythraea, Rana nicobariensis, Occidoziga lima,
Ecology Park, wetland.

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