Sumbangan Ilmu Etnobotani dalam Memfasilitasi Hubungan Manusia dengan Tumbuhan dan Lingkungannya

Eko Baroto Walujo
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Ethnobotany Contributes to The Understanding Human Relationship with Plant and Their
Environment. The scope of ethnobotanical research has been developed to a broader scope
from the originated word of ethnobotany was coined.. This discipline attempts to explain
reciprocal relationships which occur between local societies and its natural world, in extant,
between local societies and their cultures that reflected in the archeological records.
Ethnobotany is also very closely related to the domestication of plants such as the species
domesticated, where these species domesticated, the purpose of domestication, the manner,
and the status of the domesticated plants today. Etnobothany also concerns to the role of
plants in ecology, environment and phytogeography as conceived by tradition or by the local
communities. In addition to its traditional role in economic botany and the exploration of
human cognition, ethnobotanical research has been applied to the practical areas such as
biodiversity prospecting and vegetation management. Thus ideally, ethnobotany should
includes rules and categorization acknowledged by local communities. Rules and categorization
are use to appropriately facing daily social situations in recognizing, interpreting and utilizing
plant resources in their environment. In summary, the scope of research in ethnobotany is
interdisciplinary and ethnoscience as mentioned earlier and these scopes will be the main
focus of discussion in this article. In particular, in its relation to the strategic position of
Indonesia based on wealth, diversity of plants, species and ecosystems and socio-cultural
Key Words: Ethnobotany, Localknowledge, Wisdom

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