Pengaruh Laju Eksploitasi Terhadap Keragaan Reproduktif Ikan Tembang (Sardinella gibbosa) di Perairan Pesisir Jawa Barat

Yunizar Ernawati, Mohammad Mukhlis Kamal
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Effect of Exploitation Rate on Reproductive Performance in Goldstripe Sardinella (Sardinella
gibbosa) in West Java Coastal Waters. The research objective was to explore the effect of
exploitation rate on reproductive performance of goldstripe sardinella (Sardinella gibbosa).
Three sites located in West Java coasts were selected representing coastal areas adjacent to
the Indian Ocean (Palabuhan Ratu), Java Sea (Blanakan), and Sunda Strait (Labuan), for fish
collection during May-July 2009. Fish samples were collected and the length was measured
prior to sex determination, observation on gonad morphology as well as gonad maturity
determination, examination on fecundity and eggs diameter, and protein content analysis.
Estimation on exploitation rate (E) was calculated based on length data performance from
which the result was correlated with reproductive parameters including the length at first
maturity, fecundity, eggs distribution and diameter, and protein content analysis. By sites
basis, variation in E was consistently shown only by eggs protein content in which the lower
the E estimation the higher the protein contents. However, in response to E, there were
inconsistencies shown by the length at first maturity, fecundity, and eggs diameter. Such
inconsistencies are thought to be associated with population structure of matured female, and
variability in the habitat conditions which determines the magnitude of fish stock.
Key words: Sardinella gibbosa, exploitation rate, reproductive performance

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