Pencirian Karbon Organik Air Sungai Citarum Hulu Dari Masukan Air Limbah Penduduk dan Industri

Eko Harsono, Sulung Nomosatryo
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Characterisation of Organic Carbon of Up Stream Citarum River Water from Domestic and
Industrial Waste Effluent. The local government of Citarum upstream area has conducted the
river cleaning program to increase Disolved Oxygen since 1991 until now. The program has
impacted to installments of to wastewater treatment for 80% industrials in the Upper Citarum
drainage area declining the load of BOD5 wastewater. However most of waste water coming
from Banung population have been treated in the collective wastewater treatment (IPAL) of
Bojongsoang. Nevertheless, the low concentration of Dissolved oxygen which is under the
minimum stream standard concentration, 3mg/l still becomes a problem until now. An
ineffectiveness of improvement of the DO is caused by the treatment effluent BOD5 load from
domestic and industrial wastewater and low awareness industrial wastewater about
characteristics of river water quality . This research aimed to characterize the BOD oxidation
rate and BOD5 regime of each river reach base on wastewater domestic or industrial characteristic.
The result of this research can then be applied to build the priority of the load reduction of
BOD5 wastewater domestic or industrial in each reach of that river. The characteristic of
oxidation rate have investigated at influent point and water body of Upper Citarum River by
multivariate cluster observation. The oxidation rate was calculated by least-square method
from BOD data. The BOD observation was measured by BOD meter everyday for 5 days. The
result shows that Curugjompong at 0 to 21st km and 36th km to Majalaya bridge is
characterizedby an industrial sewage, while the upper Citarum at 21 to 36 Km is characterized
by an domesticsewage.
Key words: Characteristic, oxydation rate, Citarum river, organic carbon.

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