Potensi Bencana Alam Gempa Bumi dan Gerakan Tanah, di Kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai dan Sekitarnya

Djaja Djaja, Indyo Pratomo
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The natural dissarter and Land Slide at Ciremai Mountain National Park. Kuningan region,
West Java, has relatively highly potential on the seismic and land slide hazards. This region is
situated on the active tectonics, deep slopes and generally composed by volcanic sediments of
Ciremai volcano. All of those factors are, even more, situated on the annually high rainfall
region. The fractures and deformation of the soil and landforms triggered by the earthquakes
also an important factor facilitate the land slides.
Keyword: Kuningan, West Java, seismic hazard, earthquake,land slide hazard

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