Seroepidemiologi Nipah Virus pada Kalong dan Ternak Babi di Beberapa Wilayah di Indonesia

Indrawati Sendow, Hume Field, R.M. Abdul Adjid, Tatty Syafriati, Darminto Darminto, Chris Morrissy, Peter Daniels
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Nipah Virus Seroepidemiology in Flying Fox and Pig Husbandry in Several Areas
of Indonesia. Nipah is a dangerous zoonotic disease which was carried by flying fox.
The disease had been occurred in Malaysia in 1999 and infect pigs and caused human
death. Indonesia is adjacent country to Malaysia, hence, a serological study had been
conducted on 156 flying fox (P. vampyrus) sera from North Sumatera, West Java, Central
Java and East Java. Besides that, 2740 pig sera was randomly collected in different
provinces to detect Nipah infection. Both flying fox and pig sera were tested using
ELISA test to detect the presence of Nipah antibody. The results indicated that 37 from
156 flying fox sera (23.7%) has antibodies against Nipah virus. Infections were occured
in all sampling sites with the prevalence varied from 18% to 33 %. Meanwhile, no pig
sera tested (2740) had antibody against Nipah virus. Based on these results it can be
concluded that Nipah virus infections were occurred in flying fox in some parts in
Indonesia, but not in pigs. It was suggested that the presence of Nipah virus in Indonesia
should be anticipated. Hence the distribution of its infection in pigs and human must be
anticipated. Monitoring of Nipah infection in areas adjacent to Malaysia must be increased
to detect the entering of the disease in Indonesia.
Keywords: Nipah, pigs, flying fox, serology

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