Parasitoid Chalcidoidea (Insecta: Hymenoptera) Sebagai Agen Pengendalian Hama Secara Biologi Pada Terong (Solanum melongena L.) dan Pare (Momordica charantia L.)

Muhamad Rofik Sofyan, Rosichon Ubaidillah
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The Parasitics wasp superfamily Chalcidoidea (Insecta : Hymenoptera) potential
as biological control agents for pests of Eggplant (Solanum melongena) and Bitter
Melon (Momordica charantia). The recent contribution on diversity of parasitics wasp
Chalcidoidea for biological control perspective against the pests of the two economic
crops was discussed, with emphasis on the most significant steps for the selection of
candidate biological control agents. The survey was carried out in Bogor, West Java
using Malaise traps, Yellow pan traps and a Swept net. The crops are the most economically
important in agriculture not only in West Java but also in Indonesia. Meanwhile the pest
control of those two crops has so far been used only by the insecticides and would affect
to the health of the production of the crops when the vegetables are consumed freshly. Of
the 78 species within 8 familes of Chalcidoidea are found in both crops, 7 species can be
classified as potential biological control agents. With the object of biological control of
these 7 species, a survey was carried out to establish the presence and importance of
their natural enemies on those crops in Java.
Key words : Bitter Melon, Chalcidoidea, Eggplant, Parasitoids, Pest control.

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