Keanekaragaman Mamalia Besar Berdasarkan Ketinggian Tempat di Taman Nasional Gunung Ciremai

Gunawan Gunawan, Agus Priyono Kartono, Ibnu Maryanto
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Mammalian Diversity Based on Altitudinal Range at Gunung Ciremai National
Park. Gunung Ciremai was declared as national park in 2004. As a new national park,
the mammalian data is lacking especially about mammalian diversity based on vegetation
composition and altitudinal in Gunung Ciremai. The observation was conducted in 4
habitats, such as: pine forest, lowland forest, mountain forest and subalpine forest elevation
from 500 to 3078 m asl. Number of species found are 9 (7 species was through direct
observation and 2 specis by indirect observation). Species richness index is 1,04; species
diversity index is 1,00 and species evennes index is 0,52. Relationship between mammalian
diversity and vegetation composition, that is sapling density, poles density and tree density
showing significant value just for sapling density (r2= 0,501 dan p= 0,044). Relationship
between mammalian diversity and altitudinal show significant value (r2= 0,881 and P=
Key words: mammalian diversity, habitat, vegetation composition and altitudinal

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