Upacara Seren Taun di Cigugur, Kabupaten Kuningan, Jawa Barat: Tradisi Sebagai Basis Pelestarian Lingkungan

Mohammad Fathi Royyani
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Seren Taun Ceremony at Cigugur, Kuningan District, West Jawa: Traditional
Ceremonial For Environment Conservation. Human being couldn’t be separated
from the environment, but in reality the damage of the land is precisely caused by human
behavior. The reason of this is that people don’t have good relationship with the surrounding
environment. Following this logic, with participatory observation I have done it in February
4 until 15th, 2004, the indigenous people with their tradition have their own way to
conserve the land. They have a ritual tradition that can be used as a means of education
for their adherent. Furthermore, ritual traditions also show the nearness of emotional
relationship between human and the environment.
Keywords: environtment, ritual tradition, Cigugur Kuningan

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