Peningkatan Produktivitas Kultur Statis Brachionuspiicatilis Mueller, 1786 dengan Optimasi Jenis dan Konsentrasi Pakan Alami

Diah Radini Noerdjito, Gede Santika
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Improvement of Bracirwnuspficatifis Mueller 1786 Static Culture Productivity by
Optimization of Food vpe and Food Concentration. A study to optimize the standard
culture procedure by optimization of feeding regime (selection of the best type of
microalgae and its concentration used for diet of Brachionus plicatiliz diet) was
conducted in order to support more stable and higher yield production of B. plicatilis
culture. A serial experiment was done in two consecutive stages. On each stage, B.
plicatilis zooplanktons were cultured in batch system of 30 x 30 x 50 cm3 aquarium,
initial density of 10 ind./mL, and constant aeration rate of 200 mLIminute. The density,
egg ratio, water quality parameters of the culture (dissolved oxygen, pH, ammonium
level, nitrite level, nitrate level) were measured daily. On the first experiment, B. plicatilis
cultures were fed on lo6 cells/mL Chlorella sp., Nannochloropsis sp., Tetraselmis sp.,
and a combination of those three micro-algae. The results showed that optimum culture
density was obtained in the culture fed on Nannochloropsis sp. (68*2) indImL on day 5
of culture period and the density was significantly different from the other treatments
(pc0.05). On the second stage, B. plicatilis cultures were fed on Nannochloropsis sp. in
four different concentrations: 1 OS, 1 06, 1 07, and 1 08cells/mL. Optimum culture density
(407k9) ind./mL was obtained in the culture fed on 1O7ce1ls/mL Nannochloropsis sp. on
day 7 of culture period and the density was significantly different from the other treatments
(p<O.O5). It can be concluded that the optimum culture condition (optimum density and
more stable water quality parameter such as NH;' and NO2 of B. plicatilis batch cultures
can be obtained by optimization of feeding regime using 1 O7 cells/mL Nannochloropsis
SP .
Key words: Brachionus plicatilis, Nannocloropsis sp., Tetraselmis sp., Chlorella sp.,
microalgae concentration, water quality, productivity.

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