Potensi Hipertoleransi dan Serapan Logam Beberapa Jenis Tumbuhan pada Limbah Pengolahan Emas

Nuril Hidayati, Saefudin Saefudin
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Potency of Hypertolerance and Metal Absorption of Some Plant Species Under Gold
Mine Waste. Degraded mined land is characterized by extreme of alkalinity or acidity, high
concentration of soluble salt and high concentration of heavy metals. Contamination of mined
soil and water affects not only on agriculture system but also on food chains and
epidemiological problems. As soil metal can not be biodegraded, remediation of soil heavy
metal risk has been a difficult and expensive goal. Remediation of hazardous soil is required
to reverse the risk to humans and the environment. Recently there are several different
strategies available for the clean up and restoration of contaminat6d soils i.e conventional
which is mainly engineering-base and phytoremediation which is a biological-base method.
Phytoremediation is defined as: clean up of pollutants mainly mediated by photosynthetic
plants.. In this research four species of plants i.e Mimosa pigra, Crotalaria juncea, Crotalaria
sp. and lpomoea sp. were studied their potencies as hypertolerant plants on the waste of PT
ANEKA TAMBANG and public mines of Pongkor and Cigaru. The results showed that the
plants were able to grow and showing high tolerance to the contaminated media. The most
tolerant species was lpomoea followed by Crotalaria and Mimosa. The results raised someprospects
for phytoremediation technology for rehabilitating contaminated mined lands.
Keywords: Phytoremediation, hypertolerance

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