Pakan Alami dan Habitat Kukang (Nycticebus coucang) dan . Tarsius (Tarsius bancanus) Di Kawasan Hutan Pasir Panjang, Kalimantan Tengah

Wirdateti Wirdateti
| Abstract views: 392 | PDF views: 351


Feeds and habitat utilization of Slow Loris (Nycicebus coucang) and Tarsier (Tarsius
bnncartus) in Pasir Panjang Forest, Central Kalimantan. This research was conducted in
the production forest of Saka and Padang Babuluh in Pangkalan Bun. Study sites were
located at 9-42 m above sea level. Data being collected were the type of feed, nest sites and
habitat utilization. During the observation, 44 plants species from 17 families were identified
being consumed and nest site by the slow lories. Twenty one species from 17 families were
identified being habitat by the tarsier. Nest were built on growing trees and litters were used
as bedding.
Keywords : Nycticebus coucang, Tarsius bancanus, feeds, habitat, Pasir Panjang Forest

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