Pengaruh Kompos dan Berbagai Pupuk Hayati terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza)

A. Sugiharto, Sri Widawati
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The Influence of Compos and Several Biofertilizers on the Growth and the Harvesting of
Temulawak (Curcuma xanthorrhiza). Curcuma xanthorriza is one of the potential
medicinal plants. Usually this plant is planted only as additional plant among the main
horticultural plants. This plant is used as medicine plant, and usually grown not in fertile soils.
So, this research tried to use the additional fertilizer such as compost and the potential
microbes. The aim of the research was to know the influence of the compost and the potential
isolates on the growth of the Curcuma xanthorrhiza. The research had been done at the green
house with Randomized Completely Design, by using polybag with 20 cm diameter. There
was three replications. The results analyzed with ANOVA method, and Duncan Test at 0,05.
The used soil was podsolik yellowish red that collected from Darmaga, Bogor. The result
showed that the use of compost and biofertilizer increased the harvesting of the tubers from
15,76% to 52,79%. The using of either BPP isolates or the mycorrhyza, increased the dried
weigh of tubers of Curcuma xanthorrhiza.
Keywords : Compost, potential microbes, Curcunla xanthorrhiza

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