Aktivitas Perilaku Makan Kukang Sumatera (Nycicebus coucang coucang) pada Malam Hari di Penangkaran

Gono Semiadi, Mukhlis Ba'alwy, Anita S. Tjakradidjaja, Didid Diapari
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Feeding Behaviour Activity of Slow Loris (Nycicebus coucang coucang) at Night in
Captivity. Slow loris (Nycticebus coucang) is an endangered tropical primate, with its
distribution in Indonesia stretch from Java, Sumatra to Kalimantan islands. Population decline
are mainly due to habitat destruction, competition in feed and space and live capture to be sold
as pet animals. One of the strategies to conserve the species is through captive breeding
program (ex situ). Understanding the behaviour of slow loris in captivity, especially their
feeding behaviour, will provide valuable information for obtaining maximal management. The
study was conducted at Mammals Captive Breeding, Pusat Penelitian Biologi-LIP1 in Bogor,
for three months. Three adults slow loris consisting of two males and one female, were placed
in individual cages and observed their nighttime feeding behaviour. Feeds that were given
consisted of banana, marquise, guava, coconut, papaya, sweet corn, bread and quail eggs. One
zero sampling method was used in the observation with fifteen minutes interval. The results
showed that night feeding activity took place 12.44% of the total activities, with the highest
activity took place between 18.00-19.00 WIB as much as 6,1%. Drinking activity took place
only 0,21% of the total activities, with defecation and urination activities were noted only
3,84% and 2,73%, respectively. Others activities, such as locomotion, grooming and resting
were 14,59%, 58,08% and 8,12%, respectively, of the total activities.
Keywords : Slow loris, Nycticebus coucang, captive breeding, behaviour, activities

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