Manajemen Pakan dan Pemenuhan Nutrisi Orangutan Kalimantan(Pongo pygmaeus). di Taman Safari Indonesia dan Taman Margasatwa Ragunan

Nurzaidah Putri Dalimunthe, Hady Sukadi Alikodra, Entang Iskandar, Sri Suci Utami Atmoko
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Diet is one of the most important factors for growth, reproduction, and survivability of animals against
disease. It is very important to conduct an animal welfare assessment in an effort to improve and optimize care
management of orangutan in the zoo. Assessment of optimization of orangutan diet management carried out by
analyzing several parameters, including the type and amount of food, nutrient content of food, time, and place
for feeding and fulfillment of animal nutrition. The orangutan diet management research methods carried out in
this study include direct observation, interviews, and literature study. The nutrient content of the food was
analyzed by proximate analysis while the nutritional fulfillment of orangutans was analyzed by Nutrisurvey
software. The results showed that feeding in Taman Safari Indonesia (TSI) carried out once a day in the
morning at the sleeping cage, while in Taman Margasatwa Ragunan (TMR) was twice a day in the morning and
evening at the sleeping cage. Both zoos provided higher amounts of fruit than the vegetable, primate biscuits,
and tubers. The amount of diet nutrition given to orangutans in TMR and TSI was higher than the daily
nutritional needs of orangutans. In an effort to create the orangutan welfare in the zoo, it is necessary to
optimize the application of diet management in aspects of time, place, and frequency of feeding and
consideration of the nutritional need of each individual.
Keywords: kalimantan orangutan, diet management, zoo, animal welfare

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