Microstructure of Quills in Sunda Porcupine Hystrix javanica (F. Cuvier, 1823)

Nurul Inayah, Wartika Rosa Farida, Endang Purwaningsih
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The purpose of this study was to identify the quills type, cuticle pattern, cross-section feature, and medulla
structure of the quills in Sunda porcupine (Hystrix javanica). The second aim was to determine the nutritional
content of the quills in Sunda porcupine. The specimens fixed in cacodylate buffer and glutaraldehyde, then
dehydrated through graded series of alcohol, and freeze-dried. The specimens attached to the stubs by sticky
tape, coated with gold and observed with Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). Determination of cuticle
pattern and medulla structure base on to the mammal's hair identification key by Teerink (1991). Nutritional
content analysis using proximate. The study result showed that H. javanica has four types of quills; true,
transitional, flat spine, and rattle quills. The SEM micrograph of the cuticle pattern showed characteristic
variation in the shaft and base region, except the flat spine has no scaly feature in the base region. The cuticle
of anogenital quill and hair in H. javanica has no specific feature or osmetrichia. The cross-sectional images of
the three type quills of H. javanica revealed circular and alveolar arrangement. Only the flat spine has a
quadriconcave feature. The true quills have multicellular and reverse cloisonné structure in the medulla,
compare to the other three quills have no pattern. Nutritional content of the quills were water (89.93%), crude
protein (93.66%), crude fat (0.44%), phosphorous (0.034%), calcium (0.2%), magnesium (0.01%), and sulphur
Keywords: Cuticle pattern, medulla structure, nutritional content, quill, H. javanica

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