Jan Frits Veldkamp
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VELDKAMP, J.F. 2004. Miscellaneous notes on mainly Southeast Asian Gramineae. Reinwardtia 12(2): 135 —140. — During the preparation of a revision of the herbaceous grasses of SE Asia a few nomenclatural and taxonomic novelties were detected. New combinations are proposed in Aristida L., Kengia Packer, Rytidosperma Steud., and Urochloa P. Beauv. Aristida novaeguineae Ohwi is re-instated as a distinct species. A key to the Malesian species of Aristida L. is provided. Moorochloa Veldk. replaces Brachiaria auct., s.s.


SE Asia, Gramineae, Aristida, Brachiaria, Cleistogenes, Kengia, Moorochloa, Rytidosperma, Urochloa.

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