Deden Girmansyah
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GIRMANSYAH, DEDEN. 2009. A taxonomic study of Bali and Lombok Begonia(Begoniaceae). Reinwardtia 12(5): 419–434. A taxonomic study of Bali and Lombok Begonia was based on an investigation of morphological characters from 60 specimens in Herbarium Bogoriense.This study shows that there are 8 species that can be recognized: three species already in the genus (Begonia coriacea, B. longifolia, and B. tenuifolia) and five new (Begonia baliensis, B. lempuyangensis, B. pseudomuricata, B. multibracteata, and B. lombokensis).


Begoniaceae, Begonia, Bali, Lombok, Indonesia

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