Yaheita Yokoi, Hiroshi Makihara, Woro A. Noerdjito
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Species of Tethionea Pascoe, 1869, Callidiopini, in the collection of Museum of Zoologicum Bogoriense are reviewed. Two new species of the genus are described, T. peggieae sp. nov. and T. oculata  sp. nov., both from Papua Province, Indonesia. In addition, T. unicolor Pascoe, T. strumosa Pascoe and T. tridentata Pascoe are redescribed. Their male genitalia are documented and illustrated in detail. In particular, the ejaculatory duct complexes of endophalli are carefully observed, as well as 8th sternites and tergites.  For T. oculata sp. nov., the female genitalia are described. Morphological and taxonomical aspects of these species are discussed.


Callidiopini, ejaculatory duct complex, endophallus, genitalia, Tethionea

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Copyright (c) 2021 Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI)


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