Ike Rachmatika, A. Munim, Gema Wahyu Dewantoro
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A survey of the freshwater fishes of The Tesso Nillo area was conducted
in June 2003 in conjunction of establishing this area as conservation area. In this brown water-forest streams of the upper part of Kampar catchment area, fifty fish species were found. This comprised of 31 genera, 16 familia and 4 orders. The dominant familia are Cyprinidae (18 species), Bagridae (5 species), Belontiidae (4 species) and Siluridae (4 species). Cryptic species: Breinsteinea hypselurus and Chaca bankanensis were found in the area.

Keywords: Fish diversity, rare and cryptic species, Cyprinidae, Bagridae,
Balontiidae, Siluridae


Fish diversity, rare and cryptic species, Cyprinidae, Bagridae, Balontiidae, Siluridae

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