Hari Sutrisno
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The phylogeny of Glyphodes Cuenee (14 species) and four outgroup species (Feltia jaculifera, Metallarcha aureodiscalis, Talanga sexpunctalis and Agrioghrypta eurytusalis) was inferred from
nucleotide sequence variation across a 686-bp region in the CO I gene. Over the entire 686-bp region, 19.9% sites were informative (3.35% in the 1st-, 0.29% in the 2nd - and 16.32% in 3rd - codon position). The results also showed that the base composition of this region was high A+T biased (C= 0.258) and the averages of
estimated sequence divergence in the comparisons between species within and between groups were 7.1% and 9.0%, respectively. In general, the phylogeny based on CO I gene by including all substitutions or any partial data set used in this study was not only able to recover almost the three monophyletic groups within
Glyphodes as previously recovered by morphological phylogeny but also showed more clearly the relationships among them: Glyphodes group 2 was branched off first then followed by group 3 and 1.

Key words: CO I, Glyphodes, morphology, phylogeny


CO I, Glyphodes, morphology, phylogeny

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