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During taxonomic studies on the pelagic copepods of the Indonesian seas, 15 species of Pontellidae were identified for the first time from the area. The species recorded are: Calanopia australica Bayly & Greenwood, 1963, Labidocera bengalensis Krishnaswamy, 1951, L. sinilobata Shen & Lee, 1963, Pontella diagonalis Wilson, 1950, P. forcicula Scott, 1909, P. latifurca Chen & Zhang, 1965, P. spinipes Giesbrecht, 1889, P. tridactyla Shen & Lee, 1963, P. valida Dana, 1849, Pontellopsis herdmani Scott, 1909, P. inflatodigitata Chen & Shen, 1974, P. scotti Sewell, 1932, P. yamadae Mori, 1937, Pontellina morii Fleminger & Hulsemann, 1974, and P. sobrina Fleminger & Hulsemann, 1974.

Descriptions, measurements and figures are given for those species, along with a review of their distribution over the world's oceans, and with taxonomic remarks, ecological notes, and restricted synonymies.

Keywords: Taxonomy, new records, Pontellidae, Indonesia.


Taxonomy, new records, Pontellidae, Indonesia

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