Mulyadi Mulyadi
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Only few studies on the taxonomy and biogeography of the genus Labidocera from Indonesian waters have been carried out. The present paper deals with relevant information on the description and illustration of eleven species of Labidocera collected from 15 stations in Indonesian waters. Seven out of twelve previously known, i.e., Labidocera acuta Dana, 1849; L. bataviae A. Scott, 1909; L. detruncata Dana, 1849; L. kroyeri (Brady, 1883); L. laevidentata (Brady, 1883); L. minuta Giesbrecht, 1889; L. pavo Giesbrecht, 1889; except L. acutifrons Dana, 1849; L. euchaeta Giesbrecht, 1889; L. madurae A. Scott, 1909; L. nerii Kroyer, 1849; and L. papuensis Fleminger et al., 1982, have been recorded. Two species i.e., L. javaensis Mulyadi, 1997; and L. muranoi Mulyadi, 1997, have been described as new species, and two species i.e., L. bengalensis  Krishnaswamy, 1953; and L. sinilobata Shen and Lee, 1963, are new
records for the area.

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