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Five new species and four new subspecies of Delias are described from
the central mountain ranges of Irian Jaya, Indonesia. D. luctuosa gottsi
subsp. n. and D. callista callipulchra subsp. n. from Tembagapura (1370
8' E.), the south side of the Puncak Jaya, former Carstensz Peak, D.
pseudomarguerita sp. n. from Homeyo (136053' E.), D. virgo sp. n.,D.
neeltje sp. n. and D. phippsi mulia subsp. n. from the middle ranges
(137030'-13SoE.), D. hemianops sp. n. from Abmisibil in the Star
Mountains (1410 E)., D. langda langda sp. n. from langda (1400 E.) and
D. langda watlangku subsp. n. from the northeastern side of the Baliem
Valley (1390 E.).

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