Sri Rahayu, Michele Rodda
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RAHAYU, S. & RODDA, M. 2017. Hoya narcissiflora (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Borneo. Reinwardtia 16(1): 11 – 16. — A new species of Hoya from Borneo is described, namely Hoya narcissiflora S. Rahayu & Rodda. The species has thin, non-succulent leaves similar to those of species in the Hoya campanulata Group and shallowly campanulate corolla. It is compared with all other Bornean Hoya species possessing campanulate corollas.


Hoya campanulata, Hoya danumensis, Hoya jiewhoeana, Hoya sammannaniana, Indonesia, primary forest, West Kalimantan.

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